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Survey & Free Prizes!


Updated: Apr 11, 2020

You are at the heart of everything Wade into Fitness does. It's your class, your fitness family, your encouragement and best health! Being a part of your fitness journey is an honor and not something taken for granted! I'd like to hear from you on what aspects of our classes are most helpful to you and what we might improve upon. Your opinion helps everyone by giving me feedback so we continue to deliver to you the best class possible. Please take a moment to answer 10 quick questions. As a bonus, after you've filled out the questionnaire, let our class manager know you completed the survey at class when you come in next week and you can register for the free drawing for some great prizes!

Prize drawing will be Monday Sept. 12th! Survey is also available via our latest newsletter and paper copies are available at the Fallbrook Community Center. * $50.00 Wade into Fitness Gift Card. * Beauty Counter product. Beauty Counter is a product line with a mission to get safe products into the hands of everyone - 1,500 ingredients are banned from their product line - every ingredient has to have a function and be proven safe. Thank you Tara Lawrence Beauty Counter representative for this prize. * Two other cute surprises! Don't miss it! Have your voice heard. Fill out your survey now! Click Here!

Thank you for your feedback. We are in this together!

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