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Taking Control-What You Can Do About Breast Cancer

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Updated: Apr 11, 2020

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. About 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The good news is that while there are still genetic and other factors we can’t control, most research shows that approximately 50% of cancers are linked to lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, stress, and inactivity. Taking control of these factors can also increase the survival rate for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Make empowering choice to begin addressing risks and work toward a cure now! Here are some steps:

  • Make sure you are doing a monthly breast self-exam and remind others to do the same.

  • Get a yearly mammogram.

  • Exercise to reduce your risk of breast cancer, the American Cancer Society recommends regular physical activity 5 or more days a week.

  • Read this great article on Exercise to Avoid Breast Cancer.

  • Address lifestyle factors like diet, weight, stress and alcohol consumption.

  • Donate or raise funds for research to find a cure.

  • Wear pink and the pink ribbon symbol to raise breast cancer awareness.

  • Take a meal and a smile/laugh to someone surviving breast cancer.

  • Buy breast cancer awareness products which support the cause.

  • Share your breast cancer survivor story with others.

  • If your intuition tells you something is wrong after an initial doctor’s visit, get a second opinion – don’t discount your inner wisdom.

  • Learn more: NIH Breast Cancer Prevention and National Breast Cancer Foundation

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