Our first line of defense against disease is our personal immune systems. A healthy immune system helps ward off infections and/or reduce their severity. Here are well accepted tips on keeping your immune system healthy from Harvard Medical School:
Exercise regularly. (Yes! You can do this at home even during a quarantine.)
Get adequate sleep.
Minimize stress.
Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
Maintain a healthy weight.
If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
Don't Smoke
Get proper vaccinations.
Until our classes resume, take advantage of the time off as a chance to focus on these immunity boosting suggestions by focusing on starting a good sleep routine (adequate sleep), doing some of the fitness, yoga, and meditation you've learned in class at home (stress reduction & exercise), getting to that long overdue spring cleaning or project (stress reduction & boredom reliever :), slowing down and preparing high quality home cooked meal (quality food/healthy weight), starting your plan to quit smoking, etc. Since, right now officials don't want nonessential personnel at medical facilities, maybe write down what checkup items and vaccinations you need to get when things return to a more normal state.