Balance and agility are important to all ages and fitness levels. Yet balance is an often forgotten aspect of our physical fitness that goes unaddressed until it becomes obvious there is a problem. This may be observed in small ways when we notice our athletic performance, hiking, golf game, or the like, just "isn't up to par" or when more significant events happen such as a fall. Balance is a key factor in preventing falls, a leading cause of injury among older adults. According to the CDC, one in four adults over 65 falls each year, and the risk of serious injury increases with age. Strengthening balance can help improve your pickle ball, golf, dance, and other activities and reduce the risk of falls. The three body systems we have to maintain balance are the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems.
The visual system uses our eyes to maintain balance. It helps us perceive our surroundings and adjust our movements accordingly. The vestibular system, located in our inner ear, detects changes in head position and movement, which helps us maintain balance. Finally, the somatosensory system involves the perception of touch and pressure on our feet and joints, providing information to our brain about our body's position and movement by specialized sensory organs called proprioceptors. Proprioception works with other senses, such as vision, touch, and vestibular function, to fine-tune coordination. These receptors send information about limb position and movement to the brain and spinal pathways.